Tuesday, November 8, 2011

ITAD in Kyoto

Barb Suess sent me this email earlier in the week.

Our group of three intrepid travellers (Glenna, Kathy and me from the US to Japan) spent the day traveling with our JTA sponsor from Kyoto to Uji by train. Then we ate lunch (Japanese, of course) and took a taxi to Sensei Itoh’s home. Her classroom is in her home – a room with seating for about 10 and the walls lined with shelves filled with temari. The day was the first of our temari classes in Japan and it was absolutely wonderful! I mentioned that ITAD was on this day and there were nods of appreciation. I’m not sure our JTA sponsor or Itoh Sensei knew exactly what I meant. But it gave us all a moment to reflect that temari has spread all over the world. Sensei worked with us on a rather difficult pattern and we got it!

Wow what lucky ladies... to spend ITAD in Japan with two Temari Sensei taking a private class.

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